Hiring Desk Worldline Group

Worldline is the new world-class leader in the payments and transactional services industry, with a global reach. We are at the forefront of the digital revolution that is shaping new ways of paying, living, doing business and building relationships. Our strengths in innovation are matched by the power and robustness of our platforms, the security of our solutions and the quality of our services.

We design and operate leading digital payment and transactional solutions that enable sustainable economic growth and reinforce trust and security in our societies. We make them environmentally friendly, widely accessible and support social transformation.

This digital Hiring desk offers independent professionals and suppliers the opportunity to submit a proposal for temporary assignments at Worldline Group. It is easy for independent professionals and suppliers to register and respond to requests. You automatically receive an e-mail when a new assignment is posted. Register now to respond to these requests straight away. During the execution of the activities, the complete process of contract handling, time registration and invoicing is performed online via the Hiring desk.

Hiring Desk benefits:

  • You receive all of Worldline Groups requests
  • You can submit your proposal electronically
  • The selection process is transparent
  • All requests are described clearly
  • The Hiring desk can answer all your questions
  • You receive a response to your proposal within days
  • Contract handling, time registration and invoicing are performed online

For more information about Worldline as an employer, please visit https://worldline.com/en/home/careers.html

Payment Calendar 2023


Aankondiging invoering van Multi-Factor Authenticatie (MFA) per 1 september 2024

De veiligheid van jouw gegevens is onze hoogste prioriteit. Door MFA in te voeren, kunnen we je account beter beschermen tegen cyberdreigingen en ongeautoriseerde toegang. MFA is een bewezen methode om de beveiliging van online accounts te versterken.

Op dit moment kan de MFA nog niet geïnstalleerd worden, vanaf 1 september 2024 wordt het afgedwongen door het systeem. Je kunt dan kiezen uit verschillende verificatie-applicaties:

Zorg ervoor dat je jouw eigen zakelijke e-mailadres gebruikt en geen persoonlijk e-mailadres of gedeeld e-mailadres. Mocht je gebruikmaken van een gedeeld account, maak dan tijdig een eigen account aan. Neem contact met ons op als je de gewenste verandering niet uit kunt voeren.
